Tuesday 14 January 2014

Back To The Grind

Now that Douglas has gone back to work and the holidays are over, it is time for Gabriella and I to return to our routines. I have made a few changes to it in an attempt to keep my fitness goals on my mind on a daily basis. I am trying not to make a typical Thyra error; over schedule the day and have nothing go according to my unrealistic expectations. Gabriella wakes up and we have songs and story time. I am trying to  get out of bed before her each day or my shower and breakfast fall prey to her stories and songs. Every afternoon we have a scheduled walk witch allows for errands to be run, meetings and lunches to be attended. Her only evening routine is to be fed by, and put to bed at, 10. I think I will try to make that earlier so that I am not up till midnight cleaning every day. Then heading her off in the morning would be so much easier!

I have contracted the detrimental habit of hunching! I may have always struggled with popper posture, but I did not realize that having a baby would encourage poor posture! When she is in my arms my shoulders are always rounded into a protective bowl around her. when I breast feed my back is rounded to allow my breasts to sit below her little nostrils. When I am  out in public my shoulders seems to have a magnetic pull to wherever Gabriella is! So I will have to start rebuilding and maintaining my poor neglected back muscles!

Got to go now! Our lease is up next month and we still don't have a new place! And Gabriella will be needing her stories...

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