Thursday 26 December 2013

Spoiled Rotten!

Well, Christmas is over. It took me a lot longer for it to feel like Christmas at our house this year because I barely decorated. At Christmas time it is important to be in the spirit of giving as well as thankfulness. I was not in a thankful spirit! I was too busy complaining about the clutter that having an additional person in the house brings. I didn't want to put up decorations because I felt that it would make the clutter look unbearable and I would go a little nuts.

Eventually, I was talked into decorating the house because it was going to be Gabriella's first Christmas, and because my mom was coming and I wanted it to feel like Christmas for her. What a difference a boat load if Christmas decorations makes! Suddenly we were all in the Christmas spirit!

My mom arrived safely, and with a suitcase devoted entirely to Gabriella! There were unique articles of clothing, adorable dresses and outfits, and lots of books! I am so happy that they finally had a chance to meet each other! It has been so much fun for me to have my mom around also! It's strange because I forget that she hasn't been here all along!

On the 22nd we went to a Christmas lunch and did not end up leaving till almost 11pm! We had so much fun eating good food and singing karaoke! Even Doug joined in to sing a few songs! I wish I had taken pictures!
Christmas Eve we went to Auntie P's house for a lovely Christmas feast and opened our stockings together. Dinner was scrumptious with turkey (Patricia's first, and possibly the most delicious one I have tasted), ham (a new recipe for me that I may just keep for next year it was so good), stuffing balls (something I make every year thanks to Doug's mom), sweet potato mash, creamed corn, cranberry sauce (I make with orange rind thanks to my friend Deb's version), and a delicious apple crisp! Not to mention the chocolates and assorted table goodies we enjoyed until the wee hours of Christmas morning!

  My mom had made Gabriella two absolutely gorgeous irregular pearl bracelets! Her Auntie P gave her some cloths. One was a knitted sleeper that is my favourite style of sleeper yet!
I got a new wallet, from Auntie P, that came with a compact mirror. She gave Doug tickets to our New Years Celebration for his present! All we have to do is find a babysitter.
Doug had stashed one of my big gifts at her house so I got to open my jewelry armoire. It wasn't till Christmas day that I got to open the beautiful pearl necklace that he bought to go in it! Having Marzipan at Christmas is a tradition that my mom started and that we have continued through the years without fail. So this year, when Doug couldn't find any stores that sold it, he ended up hopping around to 14 stores on Christmas Eve until he found any. So I had to wait until Christmas day to open my stocking. He always knows just what I want, and had a stocking full of hair accessories for me!
On Christmas day we also opened a curious parcel from Oshawa, Ontario to find more gifts for Gabriella and yet another beautiful hand made blanket! I think it would be safe to say that this year Gabriella and I were spoiled rotten! My mom, who still has two gifts to receive, and Douglas had their gifts as well, but enjoyed more of the events and companionship this Christmas granted. Douglas admitted to enjoying seeing us get spoiled more than receiving.

Now to spend some down time together!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mom is Coming

I wish I could tell you that I am on a schedule at last. Unfortunately, I am still living my day moment to moment. Gabby has been eating like a fiend and my day is centered around feedings. I believe she may be going through a growth spurt.

I am proud of myself for starting to exercise! I began the other day with Carmon Electra's Striptease Workout! It's fun and sassy and, surprisingly, has a good amount of lower body work to it for a light workout choice! But then again, I am out of shape! My legs were sore the following day, thanks to Carmon. We are at it again today, after I finish prepping supper.

At the risk of sounding ungrateful for all of the wonderful things in my life, I can't wait to move! Much as I hate moving, we all need more space! I slept on the floor last night just because there wasn't enough room for me to get in and out of bed all night, with Gabby's bassinet at the foot of our bed (Plus Doug was sleeping like a log in the middle of the bed, so there really wasn't anywhere for me to sleep!). It would be so nice for her to have her own room where all of her STUFF could be put away and our room could be our room again! It would also have been nice to decorate for Christmas, but there is no room for our tree this year. This year Christmas has been confined to one happy corner of the house.

Gabby and I went for a girls day with Auntie P and Auntie Krista. I made a couple of wonky Christmas ornaments and Auntie P started Gabby's Christmas stocking. It was a nice all day affair that I wish we could do everyday! If only my house cleaned it's self and food magically appeared!

My mother will be arriving in three days! I am very excited to see her, but I hope that she won't be disappointed with our lack of Christmas decor. It really doesn't feel like Christmas to me unless I am swimming in it! But really, I doubt she will notice once she sees Gabby! It will be so nice!

Gotta go do my workout.

Friday 13 December 2013

Party Season

This week Doug and I are going to be going to our company Christmas Party. Gabby will be spending the evening with her Auntie P at an ugly sweater part, so we spent the day listening to Christmas music and making these...
I am still getting used to my post baby body. I enjoyed the attractive baby bump I donned but, now that it has gone, I am left with a strange roll that cannot find an attractive article of clothing anywhere to be under. So I am going to have to really psych myself up for this party.

I went for my 6 week checkup and forgot to ask the doctor if I am now cleared for exercise. But I will start now anyway. I feel fine and I believe you are supposed to be able to work out after 6 weeks. If there was an issue, I'm sure he would have brought it up! Too Bad the Christmas party isn't in a few weeks when I show this roll who's boss!

Douglas is so cute! He has been proudly showing me off since the day we met. Today he seems to think I have only gotten more attractive. So he's set for the party. He's got a great outfit to wear and me on his arm! The only issue it that he works that day and the following day, so we may get there late and will definitely be leaving early (YES!!).

Today, I need to prioritize! I have started a new schedule to try to give Gabby and I more productive days. I have taken a lot of tips from other moms, and am hoping that by using the products of their trial and errors I will avoid my own. I am multitasking right now as I type, thanks to my Little Precious who is napping on my bed without me in the room! Hurray for small milestones!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

A Drunk Blessing

It's funny how it doesn't really matter where we are, people love to stop us for an up close look at her. Most people comment on how beautiful she is, noting how much she looks like her father, or has my ears, or "is just so mini!" A lot of them are shocked that she isn't actually a doll or "one of those porcelain figurines". But a few people like to leave her with a little blessing. Something sweet and all encompassing like, "I hope you stay beautiful inside and out!". One man actually called her "Hope for mankind". Doug and I show her off proudly and gratefully accept all of these blessings.

Last night we went to visit my dad before he left to go up north. He was waiting for us in his hotel lobby and we chatted with him and a friend there for a few hours. As a few stragglers passed by they would stop to look at her and make the usual remarks at her.

Just as we got ready to leave, a slightly tipsy man asked to see her. He was taken by her sweet little face and gave her this 'blessing', "Four times, before her 17th birthday, she will look into the eyes of a racist and change his heart." As he was giving his prediction all that was running through my mind was, "...and before her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger and die!". But once he had finished, I was touched and thanked him.

I'm sure that all parents have grand visions for their children and, like them, I hope that Gabby will be a true humanitarian. I would love to see this 'blessing' come true and one day witness peoples lives changed by the life of my child! Only time will tell.

Monday 9 December 2013

A New Us!

Well an extraordinary amount of time has past since my last post!
I am not sure I can fill you in on all of the trivial and monumental developments along the way, but the major news is Gabby.
This little girl has entered our world and changed our lives forever!

As new parents, we are learning how to rearrange our lives to accommodate a new center. Thanks to Gabby, Daddy has changed where he works twice so far, and Mommy is now on maternity leave. That sweet little black Ford that I love is now a cramped space with Gabby's big bulky Diono car seat, and has become our only vehicle. Our bedroom is over crowded by her bassinet, change table, crib (still in it's boxes), toys, cloths and general stuff that comes along with a baby. My diet has been altered again because of the many foods that give young tummies gas.

We are so happy!

We were happy and excited when I first started this blog. Coming to Alberta was the best thing that has happened to us next to Gabby! But having her makes us happier than we ever thought possible! We were united in our goals when we first arrived here. We had drive and vision and our hard work and determination paid off in the funds that we needed to continue on in our pursuits. But having Gabby has changed our team dynamic. Now we are one. For the sake of a nurturing family environment, we have had to change the way we disagree, and overlook the flaws in each other that used to isolate us as individuals, so that we can be united in our efforts as parents.

I know many people fight over their children, and I can see why! It is hard to suddenly have to confront different parenting styles and upbringings to find a common ground that your children can sit on, but I think we will be alright. Being as stubborn and pigheaded as we both are, we should be able to boldly build a safe future and family environment for the little drop of Love that we both built!

Gotta go pick Doug up from the airport!


Friday 11 January 2013

Good Start To A Great Year

Over the holidays we had some trouble finding and switching our internet providers, so there were a lot of people who we had to wait to contact via Magic Jack. But I am happy to say that Doug got us up and running again.

Doug and I enjoyed our Christmas break, but it's back to work with us. Just like the Durham Region houses Ajax, Ontario on the edge of the GTA, our home in Sherwood Park is in Strathcona County, on the edge of Edmonton. Doug works at a refinery on the border of Edmonton and Strathcona County. You may remember that I work for the same company, but at their head office in Edmonton. Well, just before Christmas I started doing work for a project up in Fort Saskatchewan about 45 km away. We both have to be at work for the same time, so having only one car was a bit of an obstacle.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary to me!!!! I got a new car!
The 2010 Ford Focus has it all! A wicked sound system, heated leather seats and side mirrors, sunroof, Bluetooth, and a dash full of light up buttons for things!

Much as I have been enjoying the car, I have been feeling a little guilty that Doug has barely had a chance to use it. The Buick has a large engine, and even with gas prices bumping between 80 and 90 cents, it is just more cost efficient for me to use the Ford.

In home news, Mitsy and I had a small falling out, when she decided to pee on my white sheep skin rug! I have no idea what that was about, but I will be scouring Pintrest for a cleaning solution! 

I have been going to the gym after work. It has been fun and exciting so far, but I am looking forward to working out with Doug. He's a little concerned that I will try to kill him, so he's waiting until "the novelty wares off". It's a shame that none of my friends here live in Sherwood Park. Sometimes it would be nice to workout with someone other than the voices on my MP3 player!
One of the locations by my house has a Jacob's Ladder! I had never seen one before, but it is a conveyer style wooden rung ladder. It's my favourite toy there right now.

Speaking of the gym, I have a date.
