Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mom is Coming

I wish I could tell you that I am on a schedule at last. Unfortunately, I am still living my day moment to moment. Gabby has been eating like a fiend and my day is centered around feedings. I believe she may be going through a growth spurt.

I am proud of myself for starting to exercise! I began the other day with Carmon Electra's Striptease Workout! It's fun and sassy and, surprisingly, has a good amount of lower body work to it for a light workout choice! But then again, I am out of shape! My legs were sore the following day, thanks to Carmon. We are at it again today, after I finish prepping supper.

At the risk of sounding ungrateful for all of the wonderful things in my life, I can't wait to move! Much as I hate moving, we all need more space! I slept on the floor last night just because there wasn't enough room for me to get in and out of bed all night, with Gabby's bassinet at the foot of our bed (Plus Doug was sleeping like a log in the middle of the bed, so there really wasn't anywhere for me to sleep!). It would be so nice for her to have her own room where all of her STUFF could be put away and our room could be our room again! It would also have been nice to decorate for Christmas, but there is no room for our tree this year. This year Christmas has been confined to one happy corner of the house.

Gabby and I went for a girls day with Auntie P and Auntie Krista. I made a couple of wonky Christmas ornaments and Auntie P started Gabby's Christmas stocking. It was a nice all day affair that I wish we could do everyday! If only my house cleaned it's self and food magically appeared!

My mother will be arriving in three days! I am very excited to see her, but I hope that she won't be disappointed with our lack of Christmas decor. It really doesn't feel like Christmas to me unless I am swimming in it! But really, I doubt she will notice once she sees Gabby! It will be so nice!

Gotta go do my workout.

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