Monday 9 December 2013

A New Us!

Well an extraordinary amount of time has past since my last post!
I am not sure I can fill you in on all of the trivial and monumental developments along the way, but the major news is Gabby.
This little girl has entered our world and changed our lives forever!

As new parents, we are learning how to rearrange our lives to accommodate a new center. Thanks to Gabby, Daddy has changed where he works twice so far, and Mommy is now on maternity leave. That sweet little black Ford that I love is now a cramped space with Gabby's big bulky Diono car seat, and has become our only vehicle. Our bedroom is over crowded by her bassinet, change table, crib (still in it's boxes), toys, cloths and general stuff that comes along with a baby. My diet has been altered again because of the many foods that give young tummies gas.

We are so happy!

We were happy and excited when I first started this blog. Coming to Alberta was the best thing that has happened to us next to Gabby! But having her makes us happier than we ever thought possible! We were united in our goals when we first arrived here. We had drive and vision and our hard work and determination paid off in the funds that we needed to continue on in our pursuits. But having Gabby has changed our team dynamic. Now we are one. For the sake of a nurturing family environment, we have had to change the way we disagree, and overlook the flaws in each other that used to isolate us as individuals, so that we can be united in our efforts as parents.

I know many people fight over their children, and I can see why! It is hard to suddenly have to confront different parenting styles and upbringings to find a common ground that your children can sit on, but I think we will be alright. Being as stubborn and pigheaded as we both are, we should be able to boldly build a safe future and family environment for the little drop of Love that we both built!

Gotta go pick Doug up from the airport!


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