Tuesday 10 December 2013

A Drunk Blessing

It's funny how it doesn't really matter where we are, people love to stop us for an up close look at her. Most people comment on how beautiful she is, noting how much she looks like her father, or has my ears, or "is just so mini!" A lot of them are shocked that she isn't actually a doll or "one of those porcelain figurines". But a few people like to leave her with a little blessing. Something sweet and all encompassing like, "I hope you stay beautiful inside and out!". One man actually called her "Hope for mankind". Doug and I show her off proudly and gratefully accept all of these blessings.

Last night we went to visit my dad before he left to go up north. He was waiting for us in his hotel lobby and we chatted with him and a friend there for a few hours. As a few stragglers passed by they would stop to look at her and make the usual remarks at her.

Just as we got ready to leave, a slightly tipsy man asked to see her. He was taken by her sweet little face and gave her this 'blessing', "Four times, before her 17th birthday, she will look into the eyes of a racist and change his heart." As he was giving his prediction all that was running through my mind was, "...and before her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger and die!". But once he had finished, I was touched and thanked him.

I'm sure that all parents have grand visions for their children and, like them, I hope that Gabby will be a true humanitarian. I would love to see this 'blessing' come true and one day witness peoples lives changed by the life of my child! Only time will tell.

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