Monday 3 September 2012

"Everything Costs More In Alberta" - False.

So out first few days in Edmonton did not go as planned. We were expecting to view a few of the apartments on our list, and move on to one in the first three days. What we forgot was that there was a long weekend coming, and now we have to wait till the following Tuesday to  view anything. That was a bit of a shock, but we used the time to explore our area. 

Our motel was  at the best location! I had picked it to be close to my work, but it turned out that the Southgate area was exactly where I wanted to be for shopping, as well as quiet and safe neighborhoods.  Doug and I spent a lot of time just walking around, getting aquatinted with the area. One rainy day we decided to go to the West Edmonton Mall so Doug could see it for the first time and we could get a sense of the different things we could do there.
Usually malls are more exciting for me, but this time it was Doug's turn to be a kid in a candy store. The yellow Ferrari in the picture was his first bit of candy. That's him putting his ballot in. I think the next was the dolphin and sea lion show. I really don't think he believed me, a while back, when I told him there was a real dolphin there! Like a trail of breadcrumbs, the surprises just kept coming: water park, casino, amusement park, mini put, shooting range, I lost count!

Today we went to Southgate Mall.It is a pretty and stylish place that I am hoping will be in walking distance of the apartment we end up getting. We wandered around the neighbourhoods surrounding it, just enjoying the day. Few people seem to walk around in these neighbourhoods; the transit system is stellar. We ended up in a section of Southgate called Pleasant View that was lovely! Beautiful homes and nice cars were everywhere. We stopped to chat for a good 45 min with a resident. So far South end has been very exciting.

One thing we were pleasantly surprised to find on our wandering through the south end, is that the prices for things were lower. We knew that the taxes on them would be lower, but with all of the talk about it being more expensive to live out here, we were expecting higher prices!  Groceries were primarily the same, although they did have a few cheaper items. Electronic parts and repairs were cheaper by quite a bit. Gas, of course, is cheaper, along with preforming arts and entertainment. Clothing and DVD's were on the lower end of the spectrum. And the list just continues! Doug was not surprised to find that cigarettes were more expensive by $2 but, as he hopes to quit, I'm sure it won't effect him for long.

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